sundarban jungle trip


A dear deer

Resting… do not disturb please

Resting… do not disturb please

By 12.00 noon we were at Dobanki watch tower. Dobanki watch tower is an interesting place. It is vast stretch of canopy walk about 20 ft above the ground. I felt that it was just the reverse of a zoo where the humans are caged and the wild animals roam about freely.


Dobanki Camp

From Dobanki again our journey through the rivers started with the forests beside us. By 3.00 PM we were at Sudhanyakhali Watch Tower. sundarban jungle trip Sudhanyakhali did not disappoint us. Just near the sweet water pond stood a deer with her fawn a little away. She was there to drink water. She was looking stealthily here and there oblivious of the fact that so many pair of eyes was watching her excitedly! As she came nearer, I realized that the deer was one of the most beautiful creatures. As we left Sudhanyakhali watch tower, our time to return to the city life had come.


The magnificent sight of the deer


“Jangli Billi” – the Wild Cat

The trip to the Sundarban, the largest mangrove forest of India now came to an end. From the dense jungle, time had come to return to the concrete jungle. So bidding goodbye to the jungle and our new friends, we were back at Godkhali where buses were ready to take us back to Kolkata.


Fresh water lake where animals flock for drinking water

Sundarban was a unique experience. It was a perfect combination of thrill, adventure as well as leisure. Though the King of Sunderbans did not appear before us, it was nevertheless memorable to spend two days in the villages and traversing the rivers of the place.

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